Welcome! I’m a freelance cartographer specializing in original map art design. Need an original map or graphic for your business? Use the contact form below to reach out so we can explore how my unique skillset can help you achieve your design goals. Utilize the “Shop Menu” to view my collection of map prints.
~ Aloha, Kate (Owner/Artist) Kokua Design Company
Marathon Map Collection
My collection of vintage inspired souvenir maps for all the World Major Marathons and more. Personalization is available!
Hawaii Map Collection
My collection of vintage inspired travel and surf maps of the Island Chain, Maui, Kauai, Oahu and the Big Island
My Maui Travel Guide
Explore the island of Maui with the travel guide:
Maui in 7 Days
Book Art, Layouts, Maps and Photography are all
Kokua Design Company originals
New York City Map Collection
My Story
The word "Kokua" is a Hawaiian word for "to help or assist" Someday I hope to be able to influence and contribute in a major way to promoting conservation and education of the natural world and to help people see the amazing benefits and experiences nature and traveling can provide.
The honu, is the Hawaiian symbol of longevity, peace, good luck, humility, long life and the spirit within, which are all attributes I strive for everyday. It seemed like a wonderful symbol to represent me as an artist and my business.
~Aloha, Kate
Living in the Hawaiian Islands on Maui inspired me to pursue a few passions of mine. These included: art, nature ~ specifically the ocean, diving and underwater photography. Maui was the perfect the playground. I was able to spend a majority of my time free diving and photographing the Hawaiian green sea turtle which is referred to as the "honu" in the Hawaiian language. This is where the inspiration for my logo (a tribal inspired sea turtle) stemmed from. When trying to come up with a name for my freelance business I thought of my love for Maui and her beautiful yet fragile environment. The idea that I could create a business that someday gave back to the environment,“Kokua” is the inspiration for my company’s name.
About Me
A little about me......I'm an artist and cartographer with a science degree who loves creating art about my passions and interests in life (i.e. travel maps, nature, running, hiking, etc.) Living on the island of Maui inspired me to create my business and give back to my community and the planet in some way: { "Kokua" - to aid or assist in Hawaiian.} My favorite quote: “Our truest life is when we are in our dreams awake” - Henry David Thoreau.
~ Kate (Kokua Design Company) Artist / Owner